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    Purchase Great Classical Themes

    SKU: HL00292733 Great Classical Themes

    $10.39 $12.99
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    15 timeless and familiar classical themes in arrangements perfect for budding instrumentalists. It features online access to audio demonstration and backing tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound then play along and sound like a pro! Includes: Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss) • Can Can (from Orpheus in the Underworld) (Offenbach) • Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach) • Morning Mood (from Peer Gynt) (Grieg) • Ode to Joy (from Symphony No. 9) (Beethoven) • William Tell Overture (Rossini) • and more.

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    Shipping Weight: 0.31 pounds
    Book Length: 12.00
    Book Width: 9.00
    ISBN: 1540050408
    Pages: 24
    UPC: 888680931520